Cloud ERP

October 05, 2021

The Impact on Sage Intacct — Is the Cloud ERP Better Than Ever?

cloud erp solution

Confession — when Sage purchased Intacct in 2017, many of us wrung our hands just a bit. What would happen to this robust accounting and cloud ERP solution that had been growing and gaining market share in the U.S. market since 1999? Would Sage be good for Intacct, and vice versa? Fast forward, and we can unequivocally say that the marriage is a happy one and Sage Intacct is better, stronger, and faster than ever. Here’s why we think that way.

Sage Intacct’s Annual Conference

We’ve been to enough conferences to know that a lot of self-promotion goes on. While Sage Intacct Advantage (now called Sage Transform) has plenty of hype, Sage has backed it up with real meat. There are always great classes to enhance our product knowledge, the opportunity to learn about the vendors and products in the Sage Intacct Marketplace. Plus, the introduction of enhancements coming in future releases. Let’s explore what’s been released in the past couple years…

Powerful Major System Updates in the Past 2 Years

One thing you can count on is Sage Intacct reliably coming out with system releases that pack a huge punch. Their updates consistently have powerful functionality improvements and enhancements that include new features emphasizing a company’s most important functions. These include financial management, contracts management, budgeting and planning, and business analytics. Below are just a few of our favorite updates from the past two years:

Financial Management
Sage Intacct is known for its strong, multi-dimensional financial management engine, and this update strengthens its position. A new matching rule automation feature reduces the number of resources spent on reconciling bank accounts. You can customize how incoming bank transactions are reconciled and matched against your data.

• Contracts Management
Enhancements that improve the ease of setup & flexibility of billing and revenue management allowing for better control over revenue calculations. You can also import billing price lists using a CSV template instead of manually adding the list entries or via API.

• Budget Planning
Simplified access to your budget planning assumptions. Compare budget vs actual performance through an easy drill-down into details, so you can adjust course immediately if necessary.

• Business Analytics
Get operational insights with over 60 prebuilt interactive and customizable reports across all Sage Intacct application areas. This help guide your strategic business decision-making putting you one-step ahead of competitors.

• Customer Invoicing
Streamline customer invoicing while offering the flexibility to adjust as you need. Improved automation when creating billing and revenue schedules for partial months while consolidating recurring charges across multiple contracts/projects onto a single invoice.

There’s something here to benefit every organization. It’s clear that Sage understands what its customers need to run successful businesses and remains on a path of continual improvement to meet those needs.

Collaboration works for you

BT Partners has enjoyed a long partnership with Sage. We’ve always been impressed with the company’s commitment to its customers and its partners. The Sage Intacct team continues to carry the torch with programs that educate, inform, and support both end user customers and business partners. With Sage and BT Partners together on your side, we think you’re in good hands.

Sage brings the bucks
We like what we’re seeing from Sage. The software giant’s deep pockets and commitment to the cloud are leading to significant investments in the Sage Intacct product line. We have every indication that Sage is positioning Sage Intacct as its flagship cloud ERP solution for the medium-market segment, with all the attention and resources that go with that designation.

• BT Partner brings the brawn
We speak a lot about the value a business partner brings to ERP implementations — including Cloud ERP implementations. You might wonder if you even need a partner with a cloud ERP solution — and the answer is yes, you do.

A software publisher simply cannot be expected to understand your business the way a business partner can. It’s not part of their business model. They don’t have time to speak with your users, to review the reports you need, or to consider where you want to be a year from now. Publishers typically don’t have the real-world business experience, accounting backgrounds, and deep industry experience the best business partners possess. Business partners like BT Partners can be counted on to help you leverage new product functionality in your organization. We understand how you operate and how Sage Intacct works, and we understand how certain industries can benefit most from it — a combination that shouldn’t be underestimated.

So, is Sage Intacct better than ever? Absolutely yes — and getting better all the time. Curious to learn more about Sage or BT Partners? Contact a BT Partners consultant to start the discussion.

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