Sage Intacct

June 20, 2024

5 Reasons Why Senior Housing Operators Should Reconsider Choosing Yardi


Senior living communities today rely on many technologies — from accounting and finance to advanced patient care systems to efficient facility management tools. Amidst this technological variety, you have a crucial choice: do you look for an all-in-one application that claims to do it all, or do you seek out the best-in-class applications for each segment? We shared our thoughts on that choice and why best-in-class is best here. Still, we speak to many senior living operators and owners who are considering Yardi. Yardi markets itself as an all-in-one solution but often falls short of this promise in practice.

Here are five reasons why senior housing operators might want to think twice before choosing Yardi, followed by five considerations for choosing a best-in-class alternative instead of Yardi.

1. Misleading “All-in-One” Label

Yardi claims to be an all-in-one platform, but this isn’t entirely accurate. The company started life with a property management software offering, and today, their solution is an amalgamation of “point” solutions that they’ve integrated post-acquisition. Since most of the pieces in their “suite” were developed independently by different software publishers, the integration can feel much less seamless than advertised.

2. Complexity and User Experience

The various brand names and modules outlined on Yardi’s website make navigating their offerings downright confusing. Yardi claims to specialize in 20+ industries, which is hardly “specialization” in our minds. It appears that Yardi may simply repackage the same mix of functionality for each specialty. There’s even a utility billing and construction management offering on their “senior living” page, which frankly strikes us as odd.

3. Integration Isn’t Exclusive to Yardi

One of the purported benefits of Yardi is the convenience of having a single integrated system. We agree that integration is a substantial benefit. However, most leading best-in-class solutions are built to integrate smoothly with other applications through well-documented APIs. These integrations are often more advanced and user-friendly, providing the same — if not better — level of connectivity without locking you into a less-than-optimal platform.

4. No Clear Technological Advantage

Yardi does not necessarily offer any technological advantages over other systems. In the fast-evolving tech landscape, senior housing operators need software that keeps pace and drives innovation and efficiency. Best-in-class systems often invest more heavily in specific functionalities, ensuring they offer the most advanced solutions in their respective areas. With their toes in so many industries, it’s hard to know whether Yardi will keep a focus on the senior living space.

5. Flexibility and Scalability Concerns

With Yardi, there’s a risk of being locked into a platform that might not scale efficiently with a growing business. The modular nature of its system means that adding capabilities can be costly and cumbersome. In contrast, truly scalable solutions allow you to add or change functionalities with minimal disruption and cost, providing greater flexibility to adapt to your changing needs.

What Senior Housing Operators Should Consider Instead of Yardi

Instead of settling for a solution like Yardi, which may seem convenient at first glance but falls short in practice, here are key considerations for selecting a superior alternative:

1. Advanced Integration Capabilities

Make sure the software you choose can integrate seamlessly with other necessary applications and tools, including new technologies such as AI and machine learning. Best-in-class solutions often provide robust APIs that facilitate easy integration with a range of systems, from advanced medical records software to modern marketing tools to business analytics platforms. We work with our clients to identify and implement these types of applications — many of which you can find in the Sage Intacct Marketplace. This supports a more cohesive and efficient operation because you can easily share data across applications.

2. Specialized Software for Each Function

Choose specialized software for distinct operational needs. This best-in-class approach allows you to benefit from the highest levels of functionality and innovation in each domain, such as financial management (Sage Intacct), resident care, facility maintenance, and staff scheduling. Each piece of software excels in its field, providing a best-in-class solution that truly fits the unique demands of your organization.

3. Flexible and Scalable Options

Consider solutions that offer flexibility and scalability. As your company grows and evolves, your software should easily adapt. Best-in-class software typically allows for more customization and scalability without additional costs or complications. It’s a level of adaptability that means that your investment continues to deliver value long-term, regardless of how or when your needs change.

4. Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Choose providers who are committed to continuous improvement and regular updates. Providers like Sage Intacct, who focus on specific areas of software development, are more likely to keep pace with technological advancements and regulatory changes. This commitment makes sure that your software remains at the cutting edge, providing the best tools to manage your operations effectively.

5. Choose An Experienced Partner

BT Partners specializes in configuring systems that are tailored to the unique needs of senior housing operators. We work with you and your other application vendors to craft solutions that meet your current requirements and can adapt to future changes. Our expertise implementing best-in-class solutions allows us to serve as your strategic partner who can guide and support your community as it evolves.

Don’t Get Fenced In By Yardi

If you’re looking to enhance your senior living operations with superior technology solutions that don’t fence you in like Yardi does, reach out to us. We’re here to help.

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