
September 20, 2022

Using Domo Integration Hub to Write Data Back into Source Systems

Domo Integration - BT Partners

When we talk about Domo, we usually think of business intelligence or data visualizations. What you might not know though, is there is a whole lot more to it than that. Domo has an integration hub with hundreds of prebuilt API connectors. This integration hub seamlessly integrates with your other business applications and gives them a way to talk to one another without having to manage additional servers or system integration points. Imagine what that can do for your business.

What Are Your Source Systems?

A source system is any of your software or databases where data about your business is held. Usually, we’re talking about pulling data from these systems into Domo so we can better analyze the data with visual tools. The Domo Integration Hub is the next step to this, where we communicate back to the source system as well. Like a hub and spoke model with communication going back and forth, and DOMO in the middle.

The Problem with Siloed Data

Many organizations are severely hindered by disconnected data, specifically 74% of manufacturing companies. A system integration hub automatically communicating data back and forth counteracts many disadvantages of siloed data. Picture a sales quote coming in at $1,000 below the market rate. The Domo Integration Hub could have the financial system flag that and write back to your CRM system to tell the sales department they need to set it at a higher price. All the different source systems are aggregated together. In real-time, you can efficiently communicate to the different systems (and people) that something has changed and tell someone they need to act.

In businesses without this setup, it’s often an actionable dashboard that sets off an alarm, then the next step is for a person to take that information and go do something else in another system. With Domo’s integration hub, the systems can write the data back so that this happens automatically. Sidenote: “Writes data back” means adding a new record/data point, editing an existing record/data point, or providing a notification in the source system. Pretty nifty stuff!

Integrating Domo with Google Analytics

We know monitoring website performance has game-changing results. Domo can be integrated into this process as well and is a great example of how to leverage technology. Let’s say you use Google Analytics to track your website data. With the Domo Integration Hub, you can pull all your Google Analytics data right into Domo. Then what though?

Let’s say you want a tab in your CRM software so your Sales team can see how many times a client has hit your website and gauge how interested they might be. This can easily be done with the integration hub by pulling the information from one system (Google Analytics) through to the other system (CRM software). BT Partners has a client that uses Domo to pull data from their e-Commerce tool and pushes it into the Salesforce system providing a unified customer experience across all touchpoints. They are quite happy with the results.

+1,500 Pre-Built Templates

Domo has more than 1,500 pre-built templates you can use to write data back to your source system. You can also build your own if there are no templates right for your data points. It’s unlimited in terms of customization – in a good way. With so many pre-built templates, a lot of clients don’t need customization, which we realize some companies are wary of. Clients that build their own templates generally have very unique data points and when they pull their data, they get some really interesting and helpful insights. A lot of clients are seeing the benefits of replacing Excel with solutions like Domo that have traditional dashboarding, which is more like reporting. Now we’re able to do so much more than that – the future is looking bright.

Improving Performance and Profitability

The Domo Integration Hub works with just about any business model to improve business performance and profitability. Take, for example, a mortgage lender’s office. A loan officer processes a loan and enters the application information into their primary computer system (AKA source system). Then Domo pulls information from several different systems, like the credit report system, etc., and then writes data back to the source system informing if the person is a high, low, or medium risk for the loan.

The system integration market, the market that Domo Integration Hub is a part of, is worth around USD $330 billion in 2020 and is set to grow at 8.5% CAGR between 2021 and 2027. Technology forward organizations and larger organizations with more processes and structures truly appreciate the ability to push information from one system to another because it provides them with an automated and simplified way to communicate critical data and information. It greatly boosts a company’s efficiency and productivity.

Domo’s integration hub provides accurate data in real-time. It also reduces errors by removing the human touch from the communication equation. The possibilities are endless. If you’re curious to see how you can leverage the integration hub in your business and with all your systems, give our team of Domo experts a call.

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